On November 13th, our Team was honored as the First Responder Group of the Night by the South Carolina Stingrays for our service to the community. We also joined the Stingrays in remembering our own heroes, the Charleston 9. The Stingrays held an online auction during the game where they featured nine hockey jerseys with the names  of all the Charleston 9. They also raffled off a tenth jersey for those that did not participate in the online bidding.

We are forever grateful to Fire Chief Harry Rountree (pictured here) of the Burton Fire District in Beaufort County, also a dedicated Stingrays fan, for putting together this fundraiser for the benefit of our Team. He was joined by Zorrina Harmon, of the South Carolina Firefighters Insurance Services office in Columbia, SC, Al Willimon of Safe Industries, in Easley, SC, Mary Elise Fore of Spartan Fire and Emergency Equipment in Roebuck, SC, and Al Brownrigg, of Palmetto Gas in Ridgeland to sponsor our Team as the First Responder Group of the Night. Kimberly Runey of the Stingrays was also instrumental in the coordination of the fundraiser.

It was quite a fitting ending to the night as Firefighter Hunter Benke, the son of Charleston 9 member Mike Benke, won the tenth jersey raffled off.

Recently, our Team received a check in the amount of $ 9,000.00 for our participation in the event. Thanks to all that participated in making this an amazing event.